
Non-Invasive Procedures/Investigations

Non-Invasive Procedures/Investigations:

  1. Endoscopy: Endoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure used to examine the digestive tract. We offer several types of endoscopic procedures:
    • EGD (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy): This procedure allows for the visualization of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum using a flexible tube with a camera.
    • Colonoscopy: A colonoscopy is a procedure used to examine the colon and rectum for abnormalities such as polyps, inflammation, or cancer.
    • Bronchoscopy: Bronchoscopy involves the examination of the airways (bronchi and bronchioles) using a thin, flexible tube equipped with a camera to diagnose and treat lung conditions.
  2. X-Ray Services: X-ray services utilize electromagnetic radiation to produce images of the internal structures of the body. X-rays are commonly used to diagnose fractures, infections, and other conditions by capturing images of bones and internal organs.
  3. ECG (Electrocardiogram): An electrocardiogram is a non-invasive test that records the electrical activity of the heart. It is used to assess the heart’s rhythm, detect abnormalities such as arrhythmias or conduction disorders, and evaluate the overall function of the heart.
  4. Ultrasound/Echocardiogram: Ultrasound and echocardiogram are imaging techniques that use sound waves to create real-time images of the body’s internal structures.
    • Ultrasound: Ultrasound imaging is commonly used for evaluating organs such as the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, and reproductive organs, as well as monitoring pregnancy.
    • Echocardiogram: An echocardiogram is a specialized ultrasound that focuses on imaging the heart and its structures, providing valuable information about heart function, valves, and blood flow.

These non-invasive procedures and investigations play a crucial role in diagnosing and monitoring various medical conditions, allowing for early detection and appropriate management of patients’ health concerns.



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